Sportsman’s Hernia
Significant interest has been generated in the sports world on this topic. The term “sports hernia” (or sportsman’s hernia) is a confusing diagnosis, including a hodgepodge of underlying pathologist and associated treatments. Several author’s including myself question the diagnosis of hernia. Different authors have given several different etiologies for sports hernia: (A) strain, injuries or weakness of the abdominal muscles and posterior wall of the inguinal canal (B) Enthesopathy (Tendonitis) of the muscles attached to the bones, for example, the conjoint tendon andrectus abdominus (C) nerve entrapment syndromes (obturator, ilioinguinal, lateral femoral cutaneous, genitofemoral) (D) Periosteitis affecting the surface of the pubic bones and Iliac crest. Very few authors have had good results with conservative treatment of sports hernias. The majority of the sports hernias are treated surgically.